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    7. Products
      Contact us
      One-component self dry series
      Current Location:Home>Products center


      Applicable Material

      Application pan around

      Technical Features

      Supporting and re-coating

















      Motorcycles, home appliances and other industries

      Non-dangerous goods, environmental protection and safety, construction VOC up to 10% or less, water as diluent, multi-pass coating, high appearance, high gloss, high hardness

      After even spraying, place it at room temperature for 5-10 minutes and bake at 150 degrees Celsius for 30-45 minutes

      Click for details







      Motorcycles, home appliances and other industries

      Non-dangerous goods, environmental protection and safety, construction VOC up to 10% or less, water as diluent, multi-pass coating, high appearance, high gloss, high hardness

      After even spraying, place it at room temperature for 5-10 minutes and bake at 150 degrees Celsius for 30-45 minutes

      Click for details




      Home appliances, motorcycle helmets, switches, etc., for primers that require UV paint, PU paint, and elastic paint

      Non-dangerous goods, environmental protection and safety, construction VOC up to 10% or less, water as a diluent, good adhesion, easy construction, not easy to bite

      After even spraying, let it stand at room temperature for 5-10 minutes and bake at 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.

      Click for details






      Various plastic coating

      Non-dangerous goods, environmental protection and safety, construction VOC up to 10% or less, water as diluent, high appearance, good alcohol resistance

      After even spraying, leave at room temperature for 5-10 minutes and bake at 60 degrees Celsius for 30-45 minutes

      Click for details






      Various kinds of special coating

      Non-dangerous goods, environmental protection and safety, construction VOC up to 10% or less, water as a diluent, a coating, excellent meat thickness, good scratch resistance

      After even spraying, put it at room temperature for 5-10 minutes and bake at 70 degrees Celsius for 30-45 minutes

      Click for details








      Suitable for covering, especially for helmets, varnish for water marking paper

      Non-dangerous goods, environmental protection and safety, construction VOC up to 10% or less, water as a diluent, good fullness, high gloss, good vividness, good weatherability

      After evenly spraying, leave at room temperature for 5-10 minutes and bake at 65 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes

      Click for details
      Some product applications